Javier Rueda Motivational Speaker

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 Javier Rueda is one of the Motivational Speakers more valued in Spanish market due to his experience, preparation and ability to transmit and make the audience getting involved.

He uses the most advanced technics for the set up and execution of his speeches, personalizing them with his expertise in order to achieve the customer goals.

Javier Rueda is a psycologist borned in Barcelona, Coach, Practitioner in NPL (Neurolinguistic programing) and Postgrade in Diagnosis and Intervention in Behaviour disease

Professor of MBA at EOI (Madrid) and other Business Schools (La Salle de Barcelona, TBS..), he is also teacher in UCM (Universidad complutense de Madrid) and CEU University.

As a writer, he published two books (Pequeñas grandes empresas and Efecto DELTA), and several papers and articles about management and Sales in professional journals like Capital Humano, Mk marketing y ventas, e-directivos…
He is a frequent speaker and lecturer at international conferences. He also desings and leads workshops about motivation, leadership, teambuilding and sales skills
He is certified as Official facilitator in Situational Leadership II (Blanchard Institute), Lego SeriousPlay ©, Belbin Roles, DISC Insights© and coaching

Some of his clients are: Nespresso, Coca-cola, Nike, NH Hoteles, Ferrovial, Telefónica, Hliton, Danone, Inditex, Acciona, Abertis,…

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