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Master of Ceremonies at the opening plenary session of Hydro 2017, international event in Sevilla with about 75 nations involved and an excellent organization. Presentador en Inglés – Events Host in English Spain.

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This stunning city, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, southern Spain, will provide an ideal setting for the international conference and exhibition.The Spanish authorities and industry welcome the international hydropower community, and will share, over three days, their wealth of experience of multipurpose dams, hydropower and pumped-storage development.

Delegates will engage in discussions on all topical issues relating to hydropower worldwide, with emphasis on accelerating projects in the less developed countries, and maximizing the benefit of existing hydro assets worldwide.

HYDRO 2017 opened in Seville, Spain, on 9 October, with welcome and keynote messages from officers of UNIDO, ICOLD, the International Energy Agency, ENDESA, SPANCOLD, the World Bank and Itaipu Binacional; some pieces of music by Manuel de Falla were played by a chamber orchestra which had been founded by the composer.

More than 1250 delegates, representing 76 nations, assembled at the FIBES Congress Centre, where a major Technical Exhibition was also held alongside the conference. (More than 100 additional registered participants who could not receive visas to enter Spain will be sent the conference materials.)

The event, hosted by Aqua~Media International Ltd (publisher of Hydropower & Dams) had the theme ‘Shaping the Future of Hydropower’. In her welcome message outlining the mission of the conference and previewing the session themes, Alison Bartle reviewed some of the achievements around the world over the past year, referring to a number of long-awaited hydro schemes which had moved ahead or where commissioning had begun.

ICOLD President Prof Anton Schleiss, in his opening message, spoke of the continuing need for water infrastructure. He highlighted the role which dams and reservoirs could play in meeting the 16 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and also demonstrated the ‘security belt’ of large dams built around the world in areas which would otherwise be prone to water scarcity. Schleiss added that dams and reservoirs would continue to be vital in many areas, especially as a result of the new challenges presented by climate change.

Luciano Canale, Senior Hydropower Specialist at the World Bank, described in his keynote address the two main types of project-based guarantee schemes offered by the Bank: loan guarantees designed to provide risk mitigation to commercial lenders with respect to key government risks which were essential for the viability of the investment; and, payment guarantees, intended to provide risk mitigation to private entities with respect to payment default on non-loan related obligations by government. Canale gave examples of guarantees which had been applied to both public and private hydropower projects.

Presentador en Inglés – Events Host in English Spain

  1. P. Singh, of the Renewable and Rural Energy Unit of UNIDO, spoke of UNIDO’s mandate to promote industrial and sustainable industrial development, and the role to be played by renewable energy. He described ways in which UNIDO could support developers of small-scale hydropower, in terms of technology transfer, capacity building, social mobilization and the management of demonstration schemes. He also drew attention to the ‘World Small Hydro Development Report’ which had recently been compiled and launched by UNIDO, based on reports from 160 countries.

Presentador en Inglés – Events Host in English Spain


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